2017 Waco Go Red Luncheon
Friday, February 24, 2017
The Waco division of the American Heart Association is asking for submissions of stories from women and girls who are heart or stroke survivors to be considered for The Go Red For Women Waco Survivor Gallery to be featured at the Go Red For Women luncheon on February 24, 2017.
The Gallery will be a compelling photo exhibit celebrating the personal experiences of endurance and courage of local heart disease and stroke survivors. Each survivor will have a story board in the exhibit and will be celebrated throughout American Heart Month (February). By sharing their stories, the selected participants have the opportunity to impact another woman’s life. That’s what the Go Red For Women movement is truly about: women sharing raising their voices to save lives.
Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year – more than all cancers combined. But we can change that because 80 percent of all cardiac events may be prevented with education and lifestyle changes.
Go Red For Women encourages women and their families to take action and live a healthier life. Let’s get started. Let’s unite. Together we are stronger and unstoppable. Join us at GoRedForWomen.org and at this year’s Go Red For Women luncheon.